Por Octavio Osorio | Vicepresidente for Latin America Enterprise.
A los 17 años, Vitalik Buterin, un prodigio en matemáticas y programación, comenzó a descubrir el vasto potencial de blockchain. Él vio una oportunidad prodigiosa para eludir a los intermediarios en el intercambio de activos y hacer las transacciones dramáticamente más rápidas, más baratas, más simples y más transparentes. Buterin desarrolló Ethereum, una plataforma informática de distribución abierta, pública y basada en blockchain para desarrolladores que comenzó a funcionar en julio de 2015.
Solo dos años después, Calastone, una compañía de tecnología financiera, anunció que está activamente involucrada en probar la factibilidad de blockchain para desarrollar un mercado global común para la negociación sin fricciones y la liquidación de fondos mutuos.
Reconociendo la oportunidad de reimaginar el entorno bancario central, Dell Technologies está desarrollando una versión de clase empresarial de blockchain, implementando infraestructura que impulsa backends de blockchain, proporcionando servicios de integración de datos y diseñando aplicaciones de front-end para interactuar con sistemas blockchain.
Tal es el impulso detrás de blockchain, que 30 grandes bancos se han unido a una alianza para desarrollar una cadena de bloques privada de Ethereum, reconociendo que necesitan hacer que Blockchain trabaje para ellos (en lugar de enterrarlos). Por supuesto, habrá algunos perdedores. Las interrupciones rara vez son ordenadas, ya que los líderes de los servicios financieros son demasiado conscientes. El año pasado, 50% de las empresas de SF dijeron que les preocupaba volverse obsoletas dentro de 3-5 años (5% más que el promedio mundial).
Pero las nuevas tecnologías como blockchain también están abriendo la puerta a nuevas oportunidades comerciales y flujos de ingresos.
Un nuevo amanecer en los servicios financieros
El Instituto para el Futuro (IFTF) cree que estamos ingresando a la próxima era de asociaciones entre humano-máquina. Hemos vivido y trabajado junto a las máquinas durante siglos, pero para 2030, estas asociaciones estarán más entrelazadas e inmersivas que nunca. La tecnología funcionará como una extensión de las personas, convirtiendo a los humanos en conductores digitales.
Estamos viendo esta jugada en los esfuerzos de las compañías de FS para elevar sus niveles de servicio. Tecnologías emergentes -definidas por IFTF como inteligencia artificial (IA), robótica, realidad aumentada y realidad virtual (ra / rv) y tecnologías en la nube- combinadas con el genio humano, están transformando los servicios financieros al reducir costos, automatizar tareas mundanas, mitigar el riesgo y crear oportunidades para llegar a nuevos clientes.
Por ejemplo, para 2030, con la computación cognitiva a la cabeza (plataformas inteligentes de autoaprendizaje que imitan el comportamiento humano), la mayoría de las personas contará con un asistente personal virtual para atender sus necesidades bancarias cotidianas. Van a ir más allá de lo que los banqueros personales humanos hacen hoy, al sugerir oportunidades altamente personalizadas en tiempo real para reducir la deuda o ahorrar dinero.
Servicios financieros de código abierto
Los bancos alguna vez fueron, y en muchos aspectos siguen siendo, los leviatanes de la industria del SF, pero una generación diferente de competidores, liderados por la generación del milenio, está poniendo a la industria de cabeza.
Patrick Collison es uno de esos milenials. Presidiendo una compañía multimillonaria, Stripe, Collinson está «resolviendo [problemas] a través de la tecnología y empoderando a otros desarrolladores y constructores». Ha revolucionado la industria de pagos con la codificación y las interfaces de programación de aplicaciones flexibles (API).
Lo más probable es que con la aparición de las APIs bancarias abiertas, se generen más transformadores del estilo de Collinson. Con las API abiertas, los nuevos jugadores simplemente entrarán en escena. La aparición de ecosistemas bancarios no tradicionales hará que la experiencia del cliente sea mucho más fluida. Los servicios bancarios tradicionales se combinarán con los servicios bancarios no tradicionales, extrayendo datos de una gran cantidad de dispositivos de Internet de las cosas (IoT).
Los clientes iniciarán una transacción utilizando una parte del cuerpo autenticada (voz, cara), y se desencadenará una cascada completa de acciones apropiadas. Algoritmos altamente complejos y potentes harán el trabajo pesado en el fondo, mientras que la experiencia del cliente en primer plano parecerá casi inconsecuente. Y si tienen alguna pregunta, un holograma estará a su disposición.
Asia-Pacífico tomará la iniciativa
Los pronósticos del IFTF para el futuro giran en torno al potencial aparentemente ilimitado de las tecnologías emergentes para redibujar nuestro mundo. Los nuevos agentes de poder entrarán a escena, y los titulares se retirarán. Estamos viendo esto en el escenario global. Regiones de Asia-Pacífico están experimentando un rápido crecimiento e industrialización mientras disfrutan de los beneficios de ser un legado libre.
Esta libertad está fomentando la innovación en toda la región. Por ejemplo, Woori Bank en Corea del Sur está probando los servicios financieros de robots. China ha adoptado robots fiscales y de asesoramiento a gran escala . Varios bancos indios están utilizando Blockchain para llevar a cabo transacciones de comercio internacional y remesas en el extranjero, y la startup india Primechain Technologies está creando soluciones de blockchain en contra del lavado de dinero, pagos fronterizos, registro de activos y sindicación de préstamos (NB Primechain vende a bancos y planea tener 750 miembros para 2019 .)
Un lugar para los humanos
Si bien la economía mundial está adoptando claramente las tecnologías emergentes, el auténtico elemento humano sigue siendo importante. En lugar de ver el futuro como una de dos realidades conflictivas: la visión cegadoramente pesimista de que la IA(Inteligencia artificial) define el desempleo masivo, y la suposición demasiado optimista de que la tecnología equivale a panaceas para todos los males sociales y ambientales, necesitamos prepararnos para un futuro en el que las personas forjen alianzas significativas con máquinas. ¿Cómo equipamos a la fuerza de trabajo con habilidades computacionales para que puedan comunicarse y solucionar problemas con los miembros de su equipo automatizado? ¿Qué controles y equilibrios deberíamos implementar para garantizar que no nos volvemos subordinados a las formas en que las máquinas se adelantan a nuestras necesidades?
En palabras de Andres Wolberg-Stok, director Global de Plataformas y Servicios Emergentes de Citi, «el intercambio de API puede permitir que los agregadores inteligentes separen la cadena de valor, pero las piezas se ensamblarán en otro lugar». Es nuestro trabajo asegurarnos de que la tecnología sea ensamblada de nuevo de manera que continúe apoyando grandes cantidades de trabajo humano, a través de asociaciones simbióticas que se afirman mutuamente con sistemas poderosos e inteligentes.
El acompañamiento es crucial para un mejor funcionamiento de un sistema administrativo, pero por lo regular la consultoría es poco valorada, ya que se piensa que es innecesaria o cara.
El conocimiento financiero es un imperativo para los gerentes de operaciones y cadena de suministro en el mundo actual. Hablar el idioma financiero no solo les brinda un asiento en la mesa de toma de decisiones, sino que también les permite influir en el rumbo estratégico y operativo de la organización.
Acompañar activa las neuronas llamadas espejo que contribuyen a que entendamos el dolor de otras personas, a tranquilizarnos y hacer que los otros se sientan comprendidos.
In addition, the delay effect of the five mid stage golden corpses was extremely limited.When the monk in the middle stage of Yuanying walked past a flying sword tree, a flying sword suddenly shot out from the tree.
The results achieved this time exceeded their results in the previous few hours, and also gave the criminal monks a lot of peace of mind.Thank you for telling me, I will find them one by one Brother Luo Pei said in a deep voice.
Change to the four square formation Great Monk Wang He also knew that he could not continue like this, and he said in a deep voice.Li Yuanba wanted to ask, if the Yuqing Sect solved the problem, what about the Baidi Sect Considering the conflict between Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion and the Baidi Sect, the Baidi Sect lost its great monks Manhood Plus Gummies Reviews (Customer) Manhood Plus Gummies Review - Manhood Plus Gummies Price [BHjWSKtAyjQ]
and a large number of core monks.
The boss of the three evils of the Ping family can almost be said to be the nemesis of monks like him who have super attack power but extremely weak defense power.The most important thing is that if Brother Teng can recover part of his combat power, he will have a Cum poți slăbi cu Berberina? - Farmacist Silvia [Iklqlbk2oyv]
powerful help even if he encounters danger again in the future.
At most, during the spell attack, the opponent s speed and reaction are fast enough to avoid the spell.Yili asked Who is this senior Second senior brother, you don t need to be so polite to him.
The monks standing behind looked at the charge of the criminal monks.But a sea of golden flowers still put him into a state of shock for a short time.
As soon as the Yuanying monks from their sect appeared outside, they would immediately rush out to help.Li Yuanba smiled faintly, he used Up and Come , and his figure appeared thousands of miles away.
With his ability, he could obtain several resources for promotion to Nascent Soul in a short time.Li Shiming did not escape. He was outside the uninhabited island.
The space was carefully arranged. A huge golden sword stood in the space, holding up the space like a pillar.The number of Yuanying sword cultivators gathered here exceeds four hundred, of which there are more than fifty sword cultivators in the middle Yuanying stage alone.
Ancestor Yuan Ying, who can be called an ancestor, is a truly unattainable existence.As the great monk Lou shouted a challenge, the great monk Shi Dong had to accept it.
period. Retreating alone, in your own cave, without contact with the outside world is the best way to deal with the impact on your mind.But at this moment, ten thunderbolts were shot at them, and each of their peak monks was attacked by ten Lightning Techniques at the same time.
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the test of weapon tribulation can we know whether it is successful or not.After seeing the White Emperor Qingyun Boat , the three long distance flying ships began to speed up and avoid it from a distance.
Especially after the battle with Baidi Sect, the power of Ten Thousand Swords Peak had been greatly improved.It can be evaluated as a Great Elder level. The great elder s Heavenly Thunder Sword Intention is comparable to the fourth level powerful Liuguang Xingyun , any of which is sure to kill the great elder.
If the hell creatures are the same as before and fight solely by instinct without much cooperation, then they can go all out and kill directly to the core area.Li Shiming really cares, this is related to his wealth and life.
The quality of this array disk is extremely high, and the energy light cocoon s endurance is beyond imagination.Only great monks understand how big the gap is between ordinary great monks and the peak of great monks like Wang He.
Senior Wang, his level of formation is unparalleled to anything I have ever seen.Gu Jia can t be by his side all the time, so he needs to survive as much as possible to get through this time.
Originally, when he was comprehending the rules of the cave, he would not leave the sect and he would be protected by the sect.
Elder, how about I ask my disciples to go down and lure this vicious creature out, and then you can kill it Senior Brother Hao said flatteringly.The reason why he can advance this time is firstly because of the Good Fortune Qi and Blood Pill, and secondly because With the Yin Yang Pill, otherwise it would be difficult to advance.
Ahem, little friend, I wonder what kind of alchemy furnace you need Are you an alchemist A smile appeared on the old man s face, and he asked somewhat earnestly.At that time, I I don t know what the reason was, but now I understand, because Third Senior Sister also discovered your secret, but she didn t dare to say it because she was in pain, so she was worried that you would kill her and silence her, so she went to the West alone, so she let her go.
They really didn t know the grudge between Ye Fei and the Yin Yang Sect.People from the Xiliang Family will be arriving soon, so let s think about how to explain it to others.
However, your boy has good eyesight and knows that this soil is extraordinary.The Liaoyan Sword cannot be given away. It is Mo Xingyu s symbol.
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Mo Xingyu s appearance has changed, she is conscious and doesn t want Ye Fei to be in danger, so she orders Ye Fei to get out of here.His physique became extremely thirsty. However, the next moment, Mo Xingyu s eyes suddenly woke up, and murderous intent was revealed in his eyes.
Wei Guangde looked at the Liayan Sword in Ye Fei s hand with greedy eyes and said with his tongue.He punched and kicked them with great strength. Soon seven or eight of them fell to the ground, screaming in agony.
I can introduce them to you then. How about that Wei Dingguo said with a smile.Everyone knows that Xiao Yu is now Senior Sister Qianxiu s person, but why is it so satisfying to hear him scold him Bai Yan looked at Ye Fei from the audience.
Fang s powerful energy spread, and other people stayed away from it.I don t know how powerful the Taixuan Sect is, but if that strong man can cross the star field with his body, is the Taixuan Sect worth his effort You mean, although the strong man is powerful, he is not necessarily powerful.
He saw that the front was like an illusion. It was obviously late at night, and there were stars under the night sky.As a result, his family suddenly shrunk. In order to collect enough money to bid for the colorful ore, the Wang family had to sell everything this time Tell Box 10 to get them ready.
You brat. The woman in white scolded softly, then waved her jade hand, and a piece of pure jade paper floated towards Murong Xue.This kid seems to be scared out of his mind. You must know that this He Jie is a leader in the Guiyi Realm and the Three Points Gui Yuan Qi.
Add extreme difficulty. That s right Elder Wu Dajiang did not doubt him, nodded slightly, and stopped paying attention to Bai Yan.As a father, I hope you can experience it and forget about this family.
Mr. Yao asked casually, and then his wrist suddenly tightened and fell into Mr.Whoosh Three spiritual arrows with the true fire of the sun went and returned, killing Ye Wushuang s spiritual consciousness.
Just as Ye Fei arrived, a voice came. It was Liu Qingyang, wearing a navy blue robe, with a slender figure, walking towards Ye Fei with a warm smile on his face.Looking at Nan Yunluan s inexplicably shocked look, Ye Fei suddenly grinned and said, but he couldn t help but spurt out a mouthful of blood.
However, he was much older than Tian Yan. He was the master of Chaotian Tower and Tian Yan s father.He took action in an instant and spread out the Saint Slaying Sword.
If I leave, you will definitely be captured by him.If you really fight him, you have no chance of winning.
Junior brother, go well, don t worry, I m fine here Outside Wandan, Xinglan stood tall, with tears in his eyes, looking at the direction Ye Fei left, whispering to himself.
How could Qin Ruyan, who is used to being unruly and willful, humble himself in front of an ordinary disciple like you One day his true colors will be revealed.The four flying swords flew back upside down, and the sword shadows in the air turned into little auras and disappeared WHAT I EAT IN A DAY TO LOSE WEIGHT (SPECIFIC MEALS) [GraAn4UHPj_]
into the air.
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there will be trouble. The blood bats only have the advantages of good location and fast flight speed, and their overall strength is far behind the monks.He launched attacks continuously, not giving the wooden puppet a chance to extinguish the flames on his body.
Qiao Shan took a fancy to the long sword in the third light shield at a glance.With such a backer, I can almost walk sideways in the sect in the future.
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Dantian than before to break through the bottleneck.
Wei Yufeng had just made a move, and the third level living dead was The dead man took action and grabbed Wei Yufeng s neck.We have been waiting for a long time, but they have not arrived.
Last time Master Zhou came here As I said at the time, the disciples from the outer courtyard and the auxiliary courtyard mobilized by the Spiritual Mine Institute will arrive soon.Since Qingyang s cultivation level is not high, he may not gain much this time, so it can be regarded as a care.
After a series of changes, everyone forgot about it.Although they are strong, they are older and have limited potential.
You have no background and poor qualifications, but you It only took a short period of eighteen years to break through to the eighth level of Qi refining, and I, a mid stage Qi refining monk, am only at the ninth level of Qi refining.In fact, the use of the Drunk Immortal Gourd is somewhat similar to that of the storage talisman high sex drive \\ subliminal [VZOs3A_RMsE]
and the storage bag.
We alone may not be able to hold off that one eyed dragon for long.A large amount of true energy was injected into the round shield, and a layer of blue light bloomed on the shield.
Even if a particularly skilled talisman maker refines the holding talisman, the space that reaches the sky is only a few cubic feet.In the water, judging from the spirituality on the three magic swords, it seems that this time it was serious.
Na Qiao Shan looked at the red feathered eagle next to Qingyang and said, A second order Monsters are nothing.They seem harmless to humans and animals, but their power is amazing.
Maybe your young lady is in a state of ecstasy at this time and is already too happy to think about Shu.If he can use the Four Elements Sword Formation or the Five Elements Sword Formation, he will be no worse than that farmer in the field.
Maybe there are some changes that they can t see, and they will know it later.Although their loan sharking business is very profitable, it is still a small business.
Joining Qingyang can break through the Foundation Establishment in the near future.At the same time, the big hammer on the right seemed to be inflated, and suddenly became several times 10-Minute Fat Burning Workout | Class FitSugar [mz6M_xfqtoh]
At first, there was a look of unbearable expression on his face.How can we force others to join the gang It is others freedom whether they want to cooperate or not.
Whether he can deal with the black bear is a matter of fact.Instead of coming to Nanling Village and throwing yourself into a trap, there is a way to heaven and there is no way to hell.
It can be seen that there is also a big gap between the major immortal sects.When they saw Qingyang coming, they immediately dispersed.
Anyway, he feels that the flying attack of the Green Kite Wooden Sword is unstoppable.Who is Xu Chuan He is also a true disciple, with Elder Su above him.
But Baili Jinyan just took out these two magic weapons just to torture him.Because this needs to be maintained through the respective sect formations and multiple transfer formations between them, the number of channels is very small, and at most it can only accommodate a few people communicating at the same time.
He changed direction, but he had clearly left the sensing range of the late stage foundation building monks behind him, but he still sensed the aura of the late stage foundation building monks who were unreservedly exposed due to their full speed.Li Yuanba hung the body bag on his waist and put the generals into the body bag.
where can I become a casual cultivator He had no idea of resting anymore.There are almost no complete buildings in Wei s residence now, only the main part of the building is left.
Although he has room space and has a similar function to a storage bag, this is a storage bag for a cultivator of immortals, and it contains the immortal s items, which is extremely important to him.Li Shiming felt that his whole body could not move at all, as if he was bound by something.
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field be upgraded to a high level and low grade spiritual field He wondered in his heart.
I believe that in this small jade tablet, there should be other means to ensure that the number of spiritual stones in the jade tablet will not be tampered with.Li Shiming stayed outside the checkpoint just to explore the formation.
The so called enchantment is the most important step in the processing of a magic weapon.Protect the young master and kill him The old monk in the middle stage of foundation building glanced at his young master helplessly, knowing that there was nothing he could do for good, and time did not allow him to think any more, so he shouted loudly.
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Jindan boss thinks. In the Qi refining stage, the three headed and six armed bronze corpse is better, but it just has more attack directions and more weapons.These monks are all foundation building monks. Once they enter the sect, they are monks who can directly go on missions.
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the Nascent Soul, he still needs a powerful sect to enhance his means.
While flying, he was accepting the results of the IBMz15 s research on the previous island formation.This is an escape passage he built to prevent accidents, allowing him to quietly leave Eagle Beak Island at any time.
When Li Shiming used the Sword Control Technique , a few swords made the Beishu monk lose control of his super grade magic weapon.The sword intent of Wan Jianfeng is accumulated by countless generations of sword cultivators.
Based on Baili Jinyan s future development direction, he will suppress his realm until the spiritual energy vortex in his body reaches its limit.The explosion in the garden frightened the servants in the palace.
The spiritual stones were mainly spent on space formation materials.The close combat swordsmanship of the Secret Book of Sword Demons , coupled with a third grade sword base, made him a close combat swordsman.
Soon news came back from the sect. Although Yin Shilan was a new disciple of the sect, Chu Gang was still horrified by the true inheritance of the golden elixir in the foundation building period and his status as a disciple of the formation master.