Por Simon Blake | Director de Marketing de Vertiv para Emea.
Si alguna vez un producto adquirido presenta una falla, ¿lo llena de esperanza la posibilidad de llamar a la línea de servicio al cliente o todo lo contrario? Creo que estamos de acuerdo con que la idea no es del agrado de la mayoría de las personas. Sin embargo, esto podría estar cambiando gracias a la inteligencia artificial (IA).
Uno de los casos de uso más notables y prácticos de la IA se relaciona con la creación de chatbots. Antes de analizar el concepto con más detalle, es importante reconocer la parte admonitoria de la conversación. Son abundantes las preocupaciones en términos del “devastador potencial” de la inteligencia artificial. Recientemente, Facebook se vio obligada a apagar algunos robots automatizados debido a que estos habían desarrollado su propio idioma, el cual era incomprensible para los seres humanos. Dicho esto, resulta evidente que con la IA aún no nos encontramos en un escenario similar al de Terminator, en el cual los robots suponen una amenaza para la humanidad. Por lo tanto, por el momento, echemos un vistazo a las oportunidades positivas que estos ofrecen.
Los chatbots ya han empezado a infiltrarse en el mercado a un nivel básico, pero en el futuro podrían convertirse en nuestra fuente de conversación más común. Con una escalabilidad que va más allá del personal habitual de una empresa, existen claros beneficios comerciales de contar con una mano de obra digital. Entonces, ¿cómo usarán las organizaciones estos robots para cambiar la manera en la cual interactuamos?
Cinco robots que conoceremos bien
Los chatbots en el servicio al cliente: Colocar a los robots en la primera línea de la gestión de servicio al cliente es quizás el caso de uso más evidente para esta tecnología; de hecho, ya está siendo utilizada en una gran cantidad de organizaciones. Al ofrecer un servicio las 24 horas y los siete días de la semana, los bots eliminarán la frustración de quedar “en espera” durante minutos y más minutos. Sin embargo, existe una oportunidad que va más allá de estos resultados funcionales; la tecnología de la IA está avanzando a tal grado que los robots también se están volviendo “emocionalmente inteligentes”. Las compañías realmente serán capaces de adaptar la respuesta emocional del bot y a su debido tiempo el aprendizaje automático les permitirá a los bots de software adaptarse al estilo de la compañía.
Los chatbots en los negocios internacionales: El crecimiento empresarial internacional puede ser difícil si usted no puede dar servicio a la amplia variedad de su mercado. Aunque los chatbots actualmente se inclinan por el idioma de sus creadores, con el tiempo sus capacidades lingüísticas mejorarán aún más. Los robots poliglotas ya pueden adaptarse y traducir rápidamente. Con este tipo de capacidad, ayudarán a las organizaciones a trabajar de manera perfecta con los clientes, los proveedores y los organizadores de todo el mundo.
Los chatbots para hacer inventarios: En el caótico mundo de la cadena de suministros y la logística, los robots ofrecen a las organizaciones visibilidad inmediata del inventario a través de alertas automatizadas y un control de la calidad de los productos que salen del almacén. Estos enviarán notificaciones inmediatas cuando las entregas hayan llegado y hayan sido descargadas. Además, cuando sean conectados con tecnologías más avanzadas del Internet de las Cosas, ayudarán a evitar desplazamientos innecesarios cuando las órdenes no pueden ser completadas. Los gerentes de los almacenes podrían simplemente remitir sus respuestas a los robots para iniciar una serie de comunicaciones relacionadas con la actualización de los clientes, los proveedores y la gestión.
Los chatbots que nos permiten vivir más: Los robots del futuro contarán con toda la información médica documentada. Esta les permitirá ofrecer servicios de pronósticos y diagnósticos sumamente avanzados. En los lugares donde la atención médica es limitada, los chatbots no solo democratizarán el bienestar, sino también permitirán a las personas buscar asistencia médica antes de llegar a una emergencia. A su vez, esto aumentará la capacidad para consultas de mayor valor con los doctores, lo cual maximizará los agotados recursos médicos.
Los chatbots a nuestro servicio: Aunque no todos contemos con el beneficio de una secretaria en el trabajo, los robots pronto podrían ofrecernos asistencia inteligente automatizada. Imagine que todas las invitaciones diarias desaparecieran de su bandeja de entrada y a sus clientes y colega encantados por su respuesta rápida y cortés. Quizás más que en cualquier otra área, los robots nos ayudarán a hacer amigos en los negocios cuando se vuelvan inteligentes a la hora de gestionar nuestros calendarios y recursos de salas.
La batalla por los bots
Por supuesto, hacer funcionar una estrategia de chatbots dependerá de más de un solo desarrollador superestrella. De hecho, la tecnología estará sujeta al funcionamiento en sinergia de una gran cantidad de elementos en la infraestructura de la empresa. Los profesionales en tecnología serán responsables de mantener a estos bots conversando las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana. A continuación, encontrará algunas de las prioridades más importantes en el ecosistema de los bots.
Los bots dependientes del ancho de banda: Uno de los elogiados beneficios de los chatbots es el hecho de que pueden trabajar las 24 horas y los 7 días de la semana, y tratar con personas y colegas sin cansarse ni equivocarse. Sin embargo, los bots de software conectados e inteligentes necesitarán de un gran ancho de banda a medida que recopilen los datos y se conecten con varios sistemas dentro de la organización. Esto podría suponer que muchas empresas necesitan actualizar o renovar su infraestructura, y desearán disponer de los análisis a través de una red sólida y de alta velocidad con el fin de que ningún analista robótico ni ninguna línea de producción automatizada sufra una caída. Por otro lado, esto pondrá más presión en el centro de datos; la potencia y el enfriamiento necesitarán ser muy eficientes y muchas organizaciones podrían necesitar un aumento en su capacidad. Por lo tanto, la incorporación de mano de obra robótica no será una solución rápida…
Los bots en el extremo de la red: Si usted cuenta con dispositivos que necesitan funcionar de manera inteligente y adaptable, pero estos se encuentran lejos del centro de datos principal, usted estará limitando el rendimiento de dichos bots. La computación en el extremo de la red permitirá una “toma de decisiones” rápida y un procesamiento de los datos en el sitio. Como resultado, esto ayudará a mejorar de manera significativa las operaciones distribuidas. Imagine una flota de bots médicos, los cuales dan asistencia en áreas remotas, donde obtener un diagnóstico inmediato podría salvar vidas. La capacidad de funcionar casi de manera autónoma abre un nuevo paradigma relacionado con los tratamientos médicos. Ocurre lo mismo con los casos de uso de las empresas, como la gestión del inventario, donde el buen funcionamiento de la logística podría verse comprometido sin ubicaciones en el extremo de la red.
Los cerebros robóticos: Si un modelo de computación en el extremo de la red permite una transferencia de datos más efectiva hacia y desde un bot, nosotros tenemos la presión de garantizar la gestión y uso de estos datos. Además, existe un inconveniente; según Gartner, muchas organizaciones no cuentan con las habilidades requeridas para ofrecer una estrategia efectiva de inteligencia artificial o aprendizaje automático —simplemente porque no pueden gestionar efectivamente los datos necesarios—. Incluso entre aquellas empresas cuyas capacidades analíticas se consideran “avanzadas”, un 40% tiene dificultades para crear la plataforma científica de datos correcta, necesaria para el aprendizaje automático de los ChatBots. Por lo tanto, los enormes pasos tomados en la gestión de datos necesitarán ser mucho más grandes antes de que nuestros amigos robóticos realmente puedan cambiar el lugar de trabajo.
La confianza en los bots: Esta proliferación de sensores, concentradores de red para la computación en el extremo de la red y puntos de conexión de red deben seguir siendo seguros. Si los bots se conectan con una minería de datos amplia de datos logísticos, la protección de la información corporativa patentada o incluso de los datos personales confidenciales se vuelve muy importante. Como si la revolución de dispositivos móviles no hubiese puesto suficiente presión en los profesionales de seguridad, ahora estamos considerando un tema diferente de desafíos críticos.
Los chatbots pueden facilitar su día al tratar con las complejas solicitudes de asistencia. Al mismo tiempo en que usted se dé un respiro, serán exigentes con la infraestructura, lo cual aumentará la presión en muchos sistemas críticos. Sin embargo, debido a los casos de uso que van desde el aumento de los centros de llamadas hasta la productividad de la mano de obra, los bots, sin duda, inundarán nuestras empresas. Usted necesita estar listo para hablar de los bots.
na cantidad excesiva de reuniones podría afectar la productividad de cualquier trabajador, hay que aprender a planificarlas, realizarlas de la mejor manera y únicamente cuando sea necesario.
La tecnología, junto con una planificación estratégica de la fuerza laboral y la inversión en optimización de flujos de trabajo, ofrece la oportunidad de cerrar la brecha entre las grandes y pequeñas empresas en cuanto a las expectativas de cumplimiento de pedidos. La adaptación de las organizaciones a estos desafíos mediante el uso de soluciones tecnológicas será clave para lograr el pedido perfecto y asegurar la satisfacción del cliente a largo plazo.
Un solo negocio puede tener diferentes buyer personas; esto quiere decir que el mensaje tendrá que irse adaptando al perfil y necesidades de cada comprador.
As everyone continued to go deeper, a large number of poisonous scorpions began to emerge from the surrounding area, and poisonous spiders spewed silk from high places.Sitting cross legged in the east. In front of her lay a low table made of mahogany and gold lacquer.
Although he was the steward of the handyman hall, he still had the miscellaneous clothes hanging around his waist.Yun Shang was forced to retreat to the side of the crowd.
Taught her the Star Chasing Step and then the Hatch Chopping Technique.A stream of green light overflowed with color, gathering from all directions into the palm of Jiang Yuebai s hand, condensing into a cherry sized plant essence bead that was so green that it almost turned black, exuding alluring vitality.
The casual cultivator is different. In addition to qualifications, ability is more important.so that such a sincere person can still be sincere in the future, and will not fall into inferiority, helplessness or anger and resentment.
The past events are vivid in my mind, but now the cracks in the wall are dilapidated and no one has repaired them.Cough cough, cough cough. Tao Fengnian said frequently.
Heaven moves vigorously, and a gentleman strives for self improvement A powerful aura erupted from Kong Wenliang s sword, which should not be underestimated.He tried his best and did not choose to save himself, but to bless his two brothers.
Grandpa Jiang Yuebai rushed forward, and Tao Fengnian grabbed her wrist and stared at her with blood red eyes.Zheng Kong Wenliang Top 5 Things You Didn't Know About Viagra [bTfozeFzGHv]
s long sword was placed across his chest, blocking the tip of Jiang Yuebai s stabbing spear.
Who is the child who attacked them Wen Miao shook her head, Many people didn t listen before.Why did you get this picture only once At this moment, Zhao Fuyi felt that the thing he had always been proud of was ruthlessly defeated.
The surrounding pavilions were also crowded with people watching the battle.She kept trying hard to drag the woman up from the ground.
Coupled with the Soul Chaos that can disturb the consciousness and the entanglement technique that controls the opponent, she will definitely not be embarrassed if she encounters the last robbery.Senior brother, do you know what happened after the Wuweishan people killed the white snake on Bihai Cliff This miscellaneous book is not finished
Jiang Yuebai, the same man One by one they asked and the man spoke slowly and softly, Jiang Yuebai listened in a daze and his eyes were starry.
Jiang Yuebai felt anxious, clenched his fists and told himself not to be afraid.Senior Sister Lu, don t arch your back so straight.
Even, the tree crowns above are slightly parted, the moonlight shines down to illuminate the darkness, and flowers bloom on the green grass, extending all the way outward.
On board this huge flying boat, in addition to the monks from Tianxing Trading Company, there were also resources obtained from the Northern Shu Continent.To allow eyes to input, you need to add eyes as an input device for the large server IBMz15.
But the top level elixir he wanted never appeared once.A piece of his spiritual thought entered the dark golden jade slip.
Ning Ying Dan, a fourth grade elixir that plays a decisive role in infant growth, has not appeared in the Northern Shu continent.Lao Lu, I m going back first He sent several messages in succession, and then turned to Old Ancestor Lu and said.
Heng, he said. Lu Heng wanted to refuse, but Yue Shan forced him to do so.Li Shiming only needs to make a fourth grade cone shaped magic weapon, which can be used repeatedly.
Perhaps that place is a cave. Only Mahayana monks can open the cave Ancestor Jian said in a message.Li Shiming, a master of alchemy, also received a mandatory combat mission.
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because she had Li Shiming as her backer and her master Luo in Qianhuan Sect.In the state of the sword ancestor, if he left the protection of the formation, he might not even be able to protect himself if he was affected by the battle.
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can t take action rashly.
This can be seen from the UAV satellite system. According to the comparison of data from the same period of the natal magic weapon IBMz15, the number and time of monks from the Northern Shu continent exploring outside have increased by more than ten times compared with the previous few days.There are thirteen early stage Yuanying monks on Ziye Island, three middle stage Yuanying monks, and the rest are a large number of Jindan monks.
Both sides come from the same source. The Ten Thousand Beast Sect still needs the care of Luanfeng Palace from time to time, and Luanfeng Palace also needs the Ten Thousand Beast Sect in the east.were all suppressed to the extreme. The divine vision allowed him to observe things five hundred meters away.
Li Shiming had always kept his magic weapon IBMz15 focused on that battlefield.If Mingxin Sect really has no enemies in Tianhai Sect, then Mingxin Sect will slowly become corrupt.
A thousand years of life is not the end, but just the beginning.He was accumulating strength and waiting for the chance to kill with one blow.
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enveloped Bairimen Mountain Gate, and all the monks below the Nascent Soul stage were shocked to the point where their souls collapsed.Let s go Brother Ding s voice sounded. Several Nascent Soul cultivators were stationed at several points in the team, holding fourth grade formation flags and dancing in their hands, keeping this terrifying team in a hidden formation.
Collect it for yourself. This is your record. When one day your strength is no longer afraid of Monk Ba, you can publicize it to the outside world Monk Hu smiled and waved his hand in refusal.Her eyes kept winking at Feng Lanxin, hoping that Feng Lanxin would help her speak.
One Breaking the Void Sword Intent cut through his defense, the second Breaking the Void Sword Intent wiped out his body, and the third Breaking the Void Sword Intent destroyed his body.His potential is only so great, and he will only be able to return to the middle stage of Nascent Soul in the future.
When Yuanying stretched out his hand, the energized Xing Yijian appeared in Yuanying s hand.Improve strength. The strong cold power here is a great tonic for Silver Corpse.
What made him most uncomfortable was that Patriarch Ge Yuqing s words put him on the same level as Patriarch Zuo.Lightning flashed in the dark clouds, and the thunder "GIRL AT THE BAR" (Social Anxiety Poem #3) Tales Of Mere Existence [tzYf8t6m0RF]
and lightning that had been accumulating for some time crashed toward the ground at his command.
In addition, among the hostages are key figures who are extremely important to the country and cannot tolerate any mistakes.Damn it Wu Xianyong looked solemn, but he still agreed Okay, I will go and make arrangements for you right now, but the prerequisite is that you can t hurt the hostage even a hair, otherwise we will die First stabilize the spy and prevent him from hurting the hostage.
Behind him, two uninjured traffickers were holding Zou Huaide.I saw it, I saw it, Mom, I ll get it for you now With that said, Lin Beichen quickly put the light bulb in his hand back into the carton.
and losing these It will have a great impact on my pursuit of law and practice, and will stop me from moving forward.These arcs were thicker and beating more violently than before.
Hundreds of police officers appeared in Wuling Mountain Scenic Area.One second
Two seconds
Time passes by minute by minute. I don t know how much time has passed.
Not to mention how long he had been delaying, he couldn t even delay it for a minute now.His name is Lin Beichen. Lin Beichen Wang Zhengming thought about all the names of the top students in the third year of high school in his mind, but these three words did not appear.
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anything. No matter how much you say, it s all in vain.There were too many questions. What was the golden light How can the barrier block the impact Etc.
Is it about recruiting again this time Chief Ma Ge, maybe we re going to make some big move.That s it. One of the Twelve Legs of Shaolin came to mind instantly.
The other was because as he got closer and closer to the top of the mountain, he found that the fire element between heaven and earth became more and more intense.A lot of message prompts are densely folded. Basically, they are all messages in the class chat group.
Looking at Lin Beichen His back quickly disappeared at the end of the commercial street.She didn t want the other party to have any misunderstandings about her family, and then give biased publicity.
Tang Ru s eyes lit up very quickly, and her face suddenly lit up.Quiet. There was not the slightest movement from the bedroom.
And this young man
was none other than Lin Beichen, who was picked up by the Security Bureau to help select immortal cultivators.To Lin Beichen s surprise, he originally thought that Zhou Ya would be like his roommate when he came up, caring about him eagerly, with concern and worry in his tone.
out. It makes no sense to say that he is not
It s just that he didn t expect that his leader asked him to cooperate fully.Children today are not as easy to deal with as when I was a child.
At this moment, helicopters flew overhead from time to time, but they were not here to put out the fire, let alone to rescue Lin Beichen.This way you can not only learn and improve, but also get the best exercise for your whole body Thinking of this, his mind Another thought came to my mind unconsciously maybe when I learn the martial arts in each position according to this plan, I will be able to understand a new set of martial arts transmission from it.
But now it seems that Lin Beichen s incident is still giving me a headache
Did the Security Bureau take action It looks like the volcano is about to erupt.
The phone number is empty. The phone was actually canceled Zhou Lin was anxious.I also heard that there was a series of news about Ah K that was being promoted again, but the sales volume suddenly appeared.
Qi s Home Furnishing is getting more and more exposure on the Internet, and at the same time, its brand effect is gradually increasing.The box office of Racing fell even less, falling by 400 Eight hundred thousand At that time, you received a call.
At this moment
Shen Bingbing felt some young people feeling from Zhang Sheng.Before answering the phone, Shen Xiaoxi became more and more calm.
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sing and compete Why are you doing this to me
On the other end of the phone, the initial choking gradually turned into hysterical crying.
Li Bin s luck seemed to be informing him rather than pleading.Are you okay Some memories emerged in Oubang s mind.
You are actually not that good. You can only make some special assembled mobile phones.But
When Gao Fei wanted to say something sincerely, he saw Lin Xia and Zhang Panpan both stood up.
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The villagers listened to Yu Huan s every word, and every word was very sincere.
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he wanted to put it on the shelf for sale.Zhang Sheng, I tried to talk to some brands, but those brands are unlikely to use Teacher Tang s batteries
Also, Zhang Sheng, I know you are very Smart, but I hope you can understand that it is impossible for me to use some of my rights online to make some brands do some mandatory things.
But they survived, and they may have to survive even worse.The text message was sent by my mother. My mother encountered another incident in the Magic City.
And One person is a team Has he forgotten Fendi, the director of Horror Night You handled everything from the production, photography, production, and even the main case of your short film Horror Night by yourself
Can you be a team by yourself As the ancient saying goes, one person becomes an army, so can one person be considered an army It certainly can be counted.
She smiled bitterly. That car knocked her away so hard that theoretically, her legs should have been shattered.At the same time, you have a fatal flaw. It s just that I don t have a correct understanding of my own value
Zhang Sheng put down his chopsticks and looked at Tang Wu seriously.
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His throat suddenly rose, excited, and excited These days, he has been staying in Brazil.The popularity of This Summer was unintentional. But at the same time, how many resources are you pushing ahead Ah K is so popular.
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said that Lin Cheng had stolen things in the school supermarket and his hands and feet were unclean
In the midst of these discussions, This dormitory seemed to have turned into a court of justice
After Lin Cheng heard all kinds of harsh sounds, his body that had stopped struggling started to struggle again.
Who will be the first This old man
That is not what Xu Bowen wants, he is not a troublemaker.There are a total of fifteen companies bidding for integrated suspended ceilings.
Ding dong Wish him a happy birthday
These fragmented times have gradually become the few recreational time for ordinary people in this depressive city.