Por Carlos Cisneros | Director de Canales en Extreme Networks para Latinoamérica.
Internet de las Cosas (IoT) se está convirtiendo rápidamente en la base conceptual de las edificaciones. IoT es un término relativamente nuevo, pero este concepto se basa en una rica historia de monitoreo, telemetría, computación basada en sensores y la automatización que ha sido parte de muchas industrias durante décadas. También se basa en otro término relativamente nuevo para una capacidad establecida, de máquina a máquina o M2M, pero añade el elemento fundamental de las comunicaciones basadas en IP, lo que hace que IoT sea instantáneamente compatible con las redes organizacionales e Internet en general. Por lo tanto, este avance es relativamente menor en términos de complejidad, pero absolutamente enorme en términos de beneficios a largo plazo.
Ahora está claro que IoT beneficiará esencialmente cada aplicación de telemetría y M2M, dominando, como una consecuencia, la oportunidad de construcción inteligente, que, por cierto, es enorme, implicando quizás miles de millones de nuevos dispositivos de punto final desplegados a nivel mundial durante la próxima década. Tenga en cuenta, sin embargo, que no todos estos dispositivos serán de la naturaleza de baja demanda / bajo ciclo de servicio que es a menudo asociadas a aplicaciones de teledetección y control.
Muchos implicarán, por ejemplo, proyectos de alta resolución y vigilancia por video de alta velocidad, además de la monitorización continua de condiciones de seguridad. E independientemente de la aplicación, el ancho de banda adecuado para las operaciones de baja latencia es esencial para satisfacer tanto las expectativas de los usuarios como las restricciones de rendimiento de las aplicaciones.
Además, de creciente interés es el uso de tecnologías de redes inalámbricas para la construcción (y, de nuevo, incluso el campus) la ubicación y seguimiento de personas y objetos a medida que se mueven a través de una instalación. Ya funcionan las balizas Wi-Fi y Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), con un seguimiento de activos muy directa a cualquier red. Además de ayudar en el seguimiento del personal clave, equipo vital son los hospitales o las instalaciones de vida asistida, y el flujo de materiales en una distribución; edificios inteligentes pueden aprovechar la ubicación y la información de seguimiento para ajustar HVAC, iluminación y otros factores ambientales automáticamente, minimizando el consumo de energía y reduciendo los gastos operativos sin interferir con la productividad del personal.
Beneficios específicos en diferentes sectores del mercado
Es fácil ver cómo los impulsores del mercado y los requisitos tecnológicos para los edificios inteligentes ya están presentes. Echemos un vistazo a los principales dominios de mercado y aplicaciones para ver cómo se beneficia cada uno de los componentes de la estrategia smartbuilding.
Nuestro objetivo, independientemente de la misión, la industria o la escala de un determinado despliegue, sigue siendo optimizar los resultados empresariales evaluados en términos de productividad, control de costos, confiabilidad y escalabilidad perfecta.
Los edificios inteligentes pronto demostrarán enormes beneficios en términos de calidad de la experiencia del usuario final en comodidad, productividad e incluso darle ventaja competitiva global. Sin embargo, también es importante señalar que la privacidad del usuario sigue siendo una preocupación, y desafortunadamente es a menudo un objetivo en movimiento. Este factor está mejor hoy gracias a buenas políticas locales, acuerdos entre gente y junto con asesoramiento jurídico adecuado.
Con eso fuera del camino, veamos cómo los edificios inteligentes puede proporcionar una amplia gama de beneficios en una amplia mercados y aplicaciones:
Educación primaria, secundaria y superior: Las tecnologías de edificios inteligentes permiten mayor movilidad de los estudiantes y aumenta su compromiso para llegar al éxito, les facilita la personalización educativa y mejorar la creatividad, al mismo tiempo que reducen su inseguridad. Capacidades como el video basado en la red cámaras de vigilancia, ayuda en línea, tutoría y pruebas, artículos deportivos para atletismo, asistencia, seguimiento, control ambiental y monitoreo, e incluso asegurando que un determinado estudiante use el autobús correcto puede ser parte de una estrategia de escuelas inteligentes.
Cuidado de la salud: Ningún mercado es más crítico que el cuidado de la salud, con los principales objetivos generales de mejorar la eficiencia de los costos y hacer frente a los requisitos ambientales especializados. Los edificios inteligentes aquí pueden localizar equipos críticos, dirigir y rastrear automáticamente a los pacientes pasar de un departamento a otro, integrar las comunicaciones de las áreas clínicas con los servicios de localización, monitorizar las cuestiones medioambientales, optimizar las operaciones rentables y proporcionar datos que ayuden en la planificación de instalaciones en el futuro.
Retail: Lo importante en el retail es no tener los productos disponibles, sino dar un servicio óptimo al cliente, esa satisfacción que diferencian a un minorista de otro. Proporcionar mayor seguridad física, prevención de pérdidas, administración de stocks, y costos, y auto-checkout son todos habilitados a través de Smart Buildings.
Fabricación, transporte y distribución: El flujo óptimo de material depende del seguimiento de ubicación, una capacidad inherente de la red Wi-Fi en la era de la red de los edificios inteligentes. La administración y minimización de los costos relacionados con entornos difíciles o complejos también serán importantes aquí.
Viajes y hospitalidad: Los hoteles pueden mejorar el servicio a los huéspedes, la eficiencia de sus instalaciones para reuniones y conferencias, y costos medioambientales. Servicios basados en la localización (incluyendo direcciones y wayfinding) son también vitales en los aeropuertos y otros centros de transporte, y muchos aspectos de la seguridad tan esencial para los viajes modernos también se han mejorado.
Deportes y entretenimiento: Wi-Fi se está convirtiendo rápidamente en esencial en los lugares deportivos, incluidos los estadios. Los grandes centros desean mejorar el juego de la experiencia del asistente con contenido personalizado, como repeticiones, estadísticas e incluso la realidad aumentada. Las estrategias en construcciones inteligentes también caben muy bien en entornos más pequeños, incluyendo auditorios y teatros.
Empresas: Realmente no hay ninguna organización empresarial o comercial que no pueda beneficiarse de los beneficios que como se ha discutido en este documento y le permite un crecimiento sin fisuras a lo largo del tiempo.
Sector público: La mayoría de los beneficios anteriores también se aplican al gobierno, y permiten el concepto de ciudades inteligentes, como aplicar una amplia variedad de técnicas basadas en la red para la administración del estacionamiento, control de tráfico, iluminación, monitoreo ambiental, vigilancia, y, sí, incluso edificios municipales inteligentes, una vez más, con una mejor relación costo-eficacia y calidad de vida en general.
La tendencia aquí es clara: cada construcción va a ser un edificio inteligente. Y la clave para el éxito es aprovechar la infraestructura de red con mayor cobertura y hacer de esto una realidad. Pero extendamos también el modelo de edificio inteligente con todos sus beneficios a ciudades inteligentes, a hogares inteligentes. «Automatización del hogar» ha estado en boca de todos por décadas. Soluciones residenciales exitosas también debe estar claramente basado en la red, e incluso esperamos ver muchas oficinas en casa conectadas literalmente a sus organizaciones o a su proveedor de servicios del modelo privado o público en la Nube.
¿Buscas llevar tu empresa a los niveles de eficiencia y productividad que necesita para seguir desarrollándose? En ese caso, la nube puede ser tu mejor aliado.
La instalación de una solución completa para el fin de línea de Coca-Cola Bottling en Indonesia, incrementó en 50% la eficiencia de la línea en una de las empresas de producción de bebidas más importantes del país.
La separación y clasificación del flujo de los materiales triturados hacen posible que los plásticos, metales y otros materiales puedan ser reutilizados.
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other party s words. Chen Ping an looked at Ma Yanshan, Ma Kuxuan chose to keep you alone from this den of grievances, and there is a reason.She spoke the first sentence. The words were actually Mountain Master, will I be responsible for searching for traces of that monster beast Jiang Shangzhen was stunned.
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was at the bottom. At that time, the list did not give Chen Pingan s name, but only introduced the realm cultivation of the young Yin Guan, a Nascent Soul realm sword cultivator, and a mountain top realm martial artist.Because whether it was a wild female cultivator or a Taoist priest with the title of Ren Gongzi , his words to her were all too sincere, as sincere as if she were one of his own.
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request and said, Senior, please come down the mountain.
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food boxes left here.However, we do not rule out the possibility that Tong Wenchang suffered a big setback. Chang Fenghan and Lujiaoshan did not change at all, but Tong Wenchang s prestige fell to the bottom.
You must know that his master, Taoist Gu, is the same as Yang Xuanbao of Hebei Peak. They are both direct descendants of Yu Xuan, so Li Muzhou s seniority is very high.Wait until you win him. Be careful if you are contaminated with the sword s intention, you will lead the wolf into the house.
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Yuan Looking at Huajing, Guo Zhujiu didn t say anything. I thought to myself that even if I got to the Great Sword Qi Wall, I still couldn t enter the summer palace.At most, it is regarded as a vassal of Piyun Mountain, helping Lord Wei Shan of Dali to launder some shady money into clean silver for Beiyue s treasury, so it is not worthy of the mountain s official report.
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Pei Qian grinned. Chen Ping an and Liu Taozhi said goodbye, shrunk to the top of the wall, then jumped off the wall with Pei Qian and walked towards the small house.He was as skinny as wood, with sunken cheeks and was skinny and skinny. But it is such a seemingly old person who has been rooted here Refine 365 Keto Gummies: Reviews 2022, Weight loss & Is It Truly Work? [kv4z1l2hk]
for thousands of years with the dojo.
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confusing thing about his confusion is that he shouldn t have returned to the earth so quickly.It has no effect. A few kowtows are nothing. A man can bend and stretch, and the face he throws on the ground is not considered face.
Zhao Shuxia said doubtfully Master, What do you mean Can I learn it Chen Ping an sternly nodded and said, Of course I can learn it.A river dragon as long as one finger is the first class rare river delicacy. If a river dragon lives for a hundred years, it will have a long body.
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up the stars and the moon. Now on the other side of Hehuan Mountain, the eldest daughter has been married.
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Zheng returns to his hometown, it will be even more lively. Chen Ping an laughed for no reason Zheng Dafeng said that for scholars like us, reading old books is like saying goodbye is better than a newlywed.Zhu Lian was confused at first. He only looked at the title of the book on the cover. It was a serious book, but he didn t need the old cook to read the content or look at it.
We have learned such a technique, penetrated the sky and the earth s axis, and my colleagues have followed such a path.Haha, it s such a great scene. Can you say that foxes like Yu Chunzhi Mei, it would be fun if she also followed Zhao Fuyang and entered the Nascent Soul Realm.
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smashed, it will be engraved again. It saves trouble. The problem is that these three seals are said to be living among the people.Liu Xianyang asked Does that young man have the opportunity to go up the mountain to practice The difference between the immortals and the mortals on the mountain and down the mountain is as clear as the distinction between ghosts and ghosts.
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is a lesson for the past.It s just reminiscing about old times. Making noise, fighting and killing is not the behavior of a good citizen with an innocent background like me.
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Chen Pingan asked How do you say it Cui Dongshan said In this Tongyezhou, we have nothing to belittle ourselves.This kind of unique talent is indeed inferior to others. Chen Ping an asked with a smile Let s go up the mountain together The boy in Zhu Yi shook his head Simply Health ACV Keto Gummies Reviews - Scam, Side Effects and Where To Buy [kswrim2nw]
vigorously, You have to go to Taoist Master Xianwei s house first to click on the Mao Hua.
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Baofengzhai and is responsible for helping Luopo Mountain resell the goods shipped from Beiju Luzhou.Why are you two mediocre people dissatisfied Yu Xiehui snorted, and He Gu laughed angrily.
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Xiao Mili only met Bai Xuan, King Sun Chun and the others were all in retreat.If the headmaster of Yufu Academy in Luzhou hadn t had a bad temper and publicly threatened to kill a monk from the wild monster tribe whenever he saw one hiding there, he even left the academy, participated in a mountain search, and personally killed several monster tribesmen.
Zhu Xuan asked sincerely Can I do anything for my seniors Wuzhou laughed dumbly. Zhu Xuan knew that he had made a mistake. If she can do it, why can t we do it Wuzhou smiled, pinched Zhu Xuan s cheek, and said, Thank you for your kindness.But Chen Ping an has the most complicated feelings towards his elder brother Cui Chan, who bullies his master and destroys his ancestors.
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Rou s own wishes. The bigger problem is that Dadu should not be too straight, otherwise the water will surge into the sea and it will easily take away the beauty of mountains and rivers in a continent.In the many government offices and private academies, there seemed to be the sound of books, as if reading at night, and there were dim lights like those crossing the river, or rushing into the wind, Or hesitantly, looking back, there is the market and countryside, with only a few lights, like the flickering lights of a cold window, meeting those lights on the road, and stopping to move forward is like meeting an old friend.
They are goods of unknown origin and shady origins, but the price is much cheaper. The man raised his chin and said, just watch here. If you see something you like, tell me.The two feet wearing embroidered shoes were not exposed to the sun all year round. Wouldn t they be whiter and tenderer She APPLE KETO GUMMIES – ((BEWARE)) – Apple Keto Gummies Reviews – Apple Keto Gummies Australia [vkpbf1tf6]
often helped them in the past.
Not long ago, he punched the white lotus root that was halfway up the mountain, and knocked it back to the foot of the mountain, and fell into the weak water.There was a quota for charcoal in the temple, so I swept the floor there. I met the old temple owner, holding a broom in his arms.
Zhou Mili stood guard at the door of the house, and when he saw who had finished drinking the tea in the bowl, he She will be ready to add water at any time.
His name is Wu Chi now, and he once called himself the Young Master Wu Guang. The last slender man is named Qiu Ye. According to fellow Taoist Qing Ling, this meaning means that the night is dark and the moon is bright, and the secluded man is wearing clothes and standing in the middle of the moon.
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floating on the stone, the cliff of Bangshu is engraved with four large red lacquer characters of Yanshou Taoist Temple, without any inscription.
We met and we talked. Seeing that I was diligent and hardworking, the mountain owner promised me that the new general guardian of Qilong Lane was finally established.Damn it, really only geniuses can talk to each other. Chen Ping an smiled casually and said Maybe you will be able to reunite with your G6 Keto ACV Gummies Reviews and Warning - Watch Before Buying! [4rk9gfp5j]
old friend Yangzhi soon.
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respectively, which were inscribed by Cui Dongshan himself, saying I cannot come out and Purple Qi of Heaven and Earth.
However, Xiaomo s words and deeds have made Qingtong mentally prepared, but judging from the current situation, it seems that it is still not enough.The threshold for practicing martial arts is not as high as becoming a qi practitioner or mountain climbing, but it is really not something that can be learned by just throwing away a few boxing books.
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even say something bad.In the past, several people had a clear division of labor and no one was willing to do more. However, Ma Zhong took the initiative to take over all the work in the vegetable garden and often got up late at night.
Anyway, it is equivalent to sword making and traveling around the mountains and rivers, so why not do it.Seeing the old Taoist priest, he walked straight across the threshold, walked into the house, and picked up a handwritten medicine book.
Island Master Liu squinted and smiled, Isn t it my conscience Chen Pingan pretended not to understand anything, just smiled, lowered his head and drank.I was still friends with the Deputy Mountain Chief Wang Zai. Wang Zai can definitely help mediate. The biggest problem is still the Tianmu Academy.
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sweat. Stopping at the door, Zhu Lian laughed softly and said The little girl is so strong.When the morning class was over, Dian Ke Chang Geng also finished his work in the kitchen and it was time to eat.
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According to Gu Qiu s valuation, they had already made almost exactly one dollar. Grain Rain money, when divided evenly, is almost ten pieces of snow money per person.She was wary of the sword wielding man, but in fact, based on her intuition, she was even more wary of the guy Xiao Mo called Young Master.
Besides, the boy s sect was not in Bao yet. Pingzhou, with its vast mountains and rivers, probably feels that I am getting old and can no longer walk on the roads, and I can no longer eat spicy food or drink wine.There was once a man who was rumored to have gone to the top of the Sword Qi Great Wall to refine swords.
It only had three cities and six floors. Yu Dou s nickname of True Invincible was spread during those turbulent years.