Por Eric Tourtel | Senior vice president, Latin America de Teads.tv
Recuerdo una conversación hace un par de años con la directora de medios de una gran marca de FMCG, después de un evento en el que hablé de viewability. En esa ocasión, me dijo: “pienso que tienes toda la razón, no debemos pagar por anuncios que no sean vistos, por eso he ordenado a mi agencia que sólo compre espacios visibles a partir de ahora”. A lo que contesté: “supongo que les has dicho también que podían pagar más por esos espacios”.
Evidentemente no.
Cuando sólo el 20% de los anuncios son visibles, ¿cómo pretende uno comprar al mismo precio un espacio visible que uno no visible?
En esa misma línea, recuerdo otra conversación hace unos años cuando trabajaba en social video que otro cliente que me decía: “este competidor tuyo me vende views en esos top publishers por 10 centavos de dólar y tú me lo vendes a 1 dólar. ¿Cómo puede ser?” Le contesté que el costo por click (cpc) medio en el mercado era de casi medio dólar (y para un clic normal, no un clic de finanzas o de viajes), y que este cpc se pagaba aun cuando se reprodujera completamente blind en banners servidos en long tail. Después de esto, le preguntaba si de verdad pensaba que podía conseguir un clic (porque una view era clic para ver) en este publisher de primera categoría por 1 centavo de dólar.
Evidentemente no.
Otra vez, lo mismo. Yo también he visto relojes Cartier a 500 dólares en eBay, con certificados auténticos. Y me encantaría creer que las gangas existen, que he tenido mucha suerte… por eso me compré un Omega a 150 dólares que duró un mes y medio.
Las gangas no existen.
Los líderes de la industria deben vender anuncios que sólo se pagan si son visibles, que se distribuyen solamente en soportes de primer nivel y que el usuario sólo ve si quiere. Ante la pregunta: “¿Por qué tus espacios cuestan el doble que los de esos dos competidores que tienen un alcance similar?” mi respuesta es siempre la misma: “¿Prefieren distribuir un anuncio que tienes que ver sí o sí para tener acceso al video ‘Concurso de pedos flambeados’ de una plataforma de video, que un video no intrusivo en la mitad de un artículo de El Universal, Globo, Marca o el Washington Post?”. O pregunto si vale lo mismo un video que se detiene si no es visible y que sólo se paga cuando se completa, que un video que se paga a pesar de que pierde 90% de visibilidad después de 3 segundos (porque 3 segundos es el tiempo que necesitas para hacer scroll down en la página móvil de una red social).
El otro problema es que por querer adaptarse a las peticiones de los clientes se empiezan a descuidar a los usuarios. Los anunciantes quieren video en soportes de calidad, pero eso no era posible antes de que se inventara el outstream, por lo que se empezaron a meter pre-rolls, mid-rolls y post-rolls. ¿Los anunciantes quieren el volumen activado? Se lanzan anuncios con volumen hasta en espacios no visibles. ¿Los anunciantes quieren un CTR alto? Se lanzan anuncios que cubren el contenido con un aspa de cierre tan pequeña que sólo un cirujano lo puede cerrar sin hacer clic y ser redirigido hacia el sitio del anunciante.
Lo último que se está haciendo son los “sliders”, esos espacios de video que se minimizan y siguen pegados a la derecha de la pantalla cuando hace scroll, muchas veces sin aspa de cierre. Para mí son los pop-ups del video. Evidentemente el porcentaje de visibilidad es alto, porque está siempre visible. Pero son tremendamente intrusivos, y obviamente el vendedor «se olvida» de comunicar al cliente que el player que se queda pegado mide la mitad del original. Y ya me podrán explicar de qué sirve ser visible si el usuario le ha dado pausa al video. Alguna vez me encontré con uno de esos sliders sin aspa de cierre, sin botón de pausa y sin posibilidad de cortar el sonido. He odiado al anunciante y, sobre todo, al que se lo vendió como “video visible con sonido”.
Para mí es muy simple: la gente te quiere más si no la molestas.
De hecho, según un estudio realizado junto con Millward Brown, la publicidad en video outstream tuvo un mejor desempeño en un 55% de los casos por encima de la media de todos los formatos de video (pre-roll y social feeds) para el reconocimiento sugerida de anuncios, un 44% para la asociación de mensajes y un 84% para el reconocimiento de marca espontánea. Con un formato de opt-in, no intrusivo como outstream, y que se reproduce en un contexto premium, el usuario se interesa más por el anuncio, lo que lleva a un mayor impacto en la intención de compra.
Cuando el anuncio se dispara con el sonido activado antes de ser visible, que el usuario ya molesto tiene que hacer scroll para encontrar un mini-player que no tenga aspa de cierre, botón de pausa o control de volumen… ¿piensan que quiere a la marca o que esta experiencia es buena para la marca?
No, no lo es, y la marca acaba de pagar una fortuna para que la odien.
Peor, las marcas están contribuyendo a la adopción de adblockers y el incremento de fraude. Una encuesta realizada por Research Now reveló que en general, un 71% de los encuestados percibe los formatos publicitarios forzados como los más intrusivos y 60% de las personas que tienen adblockers instalados consideró el pre-roll como el más intrusivo. Además, un 84 % de las personas reconsideraría la instalación de ad blockers si tuviese la opción de hacer skip a un anuncio.
Es simple: las gangas no existen, y los vendedores tienen que decir las cosas como son. Como es muy poco probable que esto ocurra, las agencias de medios tienen que hacer una selección minuciosa de sus proveedores, aunque signifique decir a su cliente que llevan meses o años comprando formatos inútiles o fastidiosos.
Los anunciantes tienen que exigir saber exactamente qué formato compran, y que no sea solamente “video visible o con sonido». Y si esto significa trabajar con 2 proveedores en vez de 10, o tener que comprar menos volumen, que así sea.
Mientras los anunciantes sigan presionando a sus centrales por comprar espacios muy muy baratos, pero exigiendo calidad, habrá fraude. Hasta que los anunciantes empiecen a comparar manzanas con manzanas, habrá fraude. Hasta que todos los vendedores de medios no expliquen a sus clientes que lo que piden no existe, habrá fraude.
Y es una pena, porque lo que los anunciantes quieren existe, pero tienen que pagar lo que vale. Los que lo hacen no se suelen arrepentir porque es más rentable un impacto de calidad que 10 impactos malos, por muy baratos que sean.
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He wanted to take advantage of this time to recruit troops and go on an expedition.If these long range orcs are allowed to get close, our melee troops will not be able to withstand them.
Just like a nerd who does not exercise all year round, facing those boxers, warriors, etc.s Due to various problems, the address has been changed.
The reason for opening the barrier in advance is that it can slowly promote the growth of plants and greatly reduce the consumption.poison This thing is definitely a major source of his combat power.
19 human stables and 21 dwarf cottages. Simply terrible With the blessing of the base camp, you can harvest 399 units of Centaur leaders every week, and 252 units of combat dwarves in two weeks.Maybe he didn t expect to hit the army head on, so the little guy fell to the ground in a daze.
In other words, you never know how terrifying the defense of the elf city surrounded by the forest is.Of course, this refers to the guests, and the adventurers are another story.
As the saying goes, wealth can lead to gods. Although this method is primitive, it will always work.The castle camp will always be the protagonist camp in the future.
And these were not real mist, but the atomized undead magic power.Why not exchange it for legendary heroes Wouldn t that be nice.
Coupled with the damage reduction brought by their specialties, this situation occurs.Boom, boom Hacked to death with random knives. Facing a butcher knife that was longer than a man and weighed astonishingly, even a professional player in the meat shield route could only hold on for a few seconds longer.
When the two sentry guards saw them coming out, they looked at each other and smiled sinisterly.At this time, he was able to classify the harvest according to the movement performance of his pet.
It only takes less than ten seconds for ordinary people to sprint with all their strength.The prismatic crystal looked familiar to Zhao Hao because he had used it before.
The green soul flame stared at Zhao Hao, as if examining something, but soon moved to Mia.First level Skeleton Soldier The attributes in brackets are the attributes after the hero is blessed HP 60 Attack power 5 Defense power 4 Kills 10 30 40 120 Speed 4 Hunger 0 undead arms Abilities Skeleton Sea maintenance cost 6 gold coins week.
They looked at each other and turned around in unison, making the same action running.From time to time, the phantom of the phoenix would appear, and the phoenix would sing in vain, and the terrible real energy would explode, just like the nirvana of the phoenix, which was extremely powerful.
After all, there are too many things to repay kindness with hatred.Ye Fei apologized. Okay, Junior Brother Ye, we came in together and practiced together.
The Guiyuan Realm mentioned above is actually the Guiyuan Realm.You were so frivolous towards me just now, and now you are uttering dirty words.
Oh, you mean Junior Brother He Jie Yes, I have a fate with this person and have a very good relationship.But every time I get so fierce, why don t I vomit you to death Many disciples in the audience saw this.
Wang Shijin found the loophole in the Four Seasons Sword Formation and slapped Lan Ying away with a palm.It only costs five hundred spirit stones. It takes three thousand souls to get the spiritual stones, and they are sold at a huge loss.
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Ahem, Team Leader Long, what happened to Tianyuan Group this time
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Long Yan spoke. At this time, Ye Fei walked down the stairs.He finally understood that when fighting for the inner disciples on the martial arts stage, Ye Fei did not use his full strength and used at most eight points.
Her only relative in the world had left her. She was raised by her father and had a deep affection for him.Fairy, forgive me. He was the one who struck first.
Senior Brother Wei, you can t do this to him. Seeing that Wei Dingguo was really going to do something dirty to Ye Fei, Bai Yan and Han Dong couldn t stand it, and they both took action to stop Wei Dingguo.Autumn is originally the season of harvest, but this season passes in a hurry.
It was extremely miserable, terrifying, and made people s scalp numb.Ye Fei said lightly. Well, I heard that there will be a lot of good things in this auction, which are extremely precious.
If we want to go, let s go together, if we want to die, let s die together Ye Fei shouted loudly.This made Wang Teng s heart ache like a cone in his heart, and he had a strong murderous intention for this person.
However, five hundred years have passed and there is nothing.Wantless, this is Senior Sister Mo. Why don t you meet Senior Sister Mo soon At this moment, the man next to Senior Sister Mo snorted coldly.
An Tianshi said with an embarrassed look, his eyes were horrified.
Well, just ask, I will tell you everything I know. The woman in white said.The weak can defeat the strong, and there are many who fight against the will of heaven.
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Ye Fei s figure suddenly stagnated, his mind went into a trance, he woke up instantly, and couldn t help but become furious.Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh Ye Fei s energy surged, and he shot out powerful bows and arrows one after another.
Oh, boy, you are still too kind. You should kill all these people and save Xinglan.This person is terrible. We can t get him back by joining forces.
Pa The sneer on He Jie s face hadn t disappeared yet.Father, mother, I am Ye Fei. I am back. Although I have not seen you, here, I feel your helplessness back then.
Even Ye Fei could feel the faint aura of a strong man in his box No.when both sides were hurt, he took action to take away the colorful ore.
There were two disciples beside him. It was obvious that they were Together.Suddenly, the hole covered by snow was revealed. Boy, come with me.
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Last night, Murong Xue was drunk and pulled Ye Fei to bed.After talking about the Qijuemai, the old man then took out a jade box and a jade slip, and said solemnly.
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since he arrived in Heaven and could absorb energy from the outside world, Ye Fei has always had such doubts.
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Thank you, elder, for your understanding. Ye Fei thanked him again.turned out to be so perverted. Damn woman, come to my door to humiliate me, then I won t be polite Ye Fei s words were a bit evil, but his speed was not fast, and he was full of Building the WORLDS FIRST PlayStation 5 slim [nmALEnZLsNq]
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At this moment, Ye Fei suddenly moved, and a cold snort came.Although the Transformation Pill is not a very high quality pill, it still has a touch of spirituality and is unwilling to be restrained.
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The old man s eyes were bright.
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Mother of the West Where is the lost ancient road Did those ancient people who disappeared in ancient times follow the ancient road to the other side of the starry sky All in all, these days, Ye Fei has been exposed to too many things that go against science.
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This is enough for life Wu Juan sighed. Do you think we will be separated when we arrive at the Ziwei Star Territory Murong Xue suddenly asked.Once this kind of thing explodes, it will be more terrifying than tens of millions of nuclear bombs, and I am afraid that the entire earth will disappear
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ten in total, sold in sets, with a trump card of 300 million At this time, the old man on the high platform waved his hand, and a beautiful waiter brought up a tray with an antique box on it.This woman is obviously because After he scolded her on the martial arts stage, he held a grudge, or it could be said that he had been jealous of himself since the moment he represented Senior Sister Mo Xingyu.
Everyone has their own way to go. I envy you that you can live the life you want.Ye Fei left without dragging his feet. What a vigilant guy This man who looked like a scholar quickly opened a folding fan, and there was a mountain of skulls on it, giving him a sinister atmosphere.
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fall. He did not expect Jiang Tianlong to be so domineering and slap him whenever he raised his hand.A very beautiful oriental woman, dressed in elegant clothes, looked at the bottomless abyss and whispered to herself.
Is this Emperor Wa s palace the same person as Emperor Wa on Earth Isn t it an earth myth How did it come to this Ziwei Star Territory back then Ye Fei couldn t think of an answer, but when he thought of those who came out of the earth, People like Lao Tzu, Zhang Sanfeng BLUEBERRY BASH CBD EDIBLES REVIEW 500mg [1VMQYqrMnvD]
and others set foot on that ancient road and came to the Star Territory.
Yes Ye Fei knew that it was impossible to collect the fifth prince s spiritual sword in public.It is far from enough to rely solely on the true power in the body and the thin air energy in the outer space.